Stiglitz on the causes of the financial crisis and how to prevent the next one
Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 09:48AM
Skeptic in Financial innovation, Sub-prime Mortgage Melt-down

Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz succinctly addresses the causes of the financial crisis and makes recommendations for preventing a recurrence here. He does not propose solutions to the current mess. 

Stiglitz says the Fed created a "flood of liquidity" and failed in its duty to impose and enforce prudential regulations on those involved in mortgage lending. This led to excessive leverage and a "pyramid scheme." The so-called "innovations" implemented by the financial industry were essentially just obfuscation of leverage and risk (as I had written here). He follows with additional criticisms of the financial industry and recommends 6 reforms:

1. Realign incentives in executive compensation systems at financial institutions.

2. Create a "financial product safety commission."

3. Create a "financial systems stability commission."

4. Impose other "speed bump" regulations to prevent too-rapid growth of borrowing.

5. Adopt better consumer lending laws, including laws that prevent predatory lending.

6. Enact better competition laws.

Thanks to Christine for the heads up.

Article originally appeared on realitybase (
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