We don’t need a stimulus package—just more tax cuts for the well off—say 36 Republican Senators.
Friday, February 6, 2009 at 01:51PM
Skeptic in Politics

Thirty-six Republican Senators and nobody else voted for an amendment to the economic stimulus bill to strike out the entire contents and substitute nothing but permanent tax reductions benefitting high income individuals and corporations. Republican Senators Snowe and Collins of Maine, Specter of Pennsylvania, and Voinovich of Ohio voted against the amendment, and Senator Gregg of New Hampshire did not vote.

This is the summary of the amendment from the office of Senator DeMint, who offered it:

1) Defuse the 2011 tax bomb: Stop tax increases set to hit the economy in 2011.

2) Long term, broad based tax cuts for American families and businesses.

Article originally appeared on realitybase (http://www.realitybase.org/).
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