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Obama is the only Democrat running for President.

I just watched the results of the South Carolina Democratic primary, Obama's victory speech and the non-concession speeches of Clinton and Edwards.  Suddenly the essential meaning of the whole campaign emerged--they are running for three different jobs.  Obama is running to be head of state, Clinton is running to be head of government, and Edwards is running for a job that doesn't exist (unless he's running for Vice President or his old Senate seat). 

In corporate terms, Obama talks like a chief executive officer, and Clinton talks like a chief operating officer with the job of making sure the organization efficiently implements the boss's vision.  Obama is about vision, inspiration, and working together, while Clinton is about tactics, overcoming obstacles, and enforcing discipline.  Obama inspires like Jack Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, and Clinton sounds like a cautious and competent George H. W. Bush.  There are only ten days left, and television advertising is a poor way to communicate these differences, but if Super Tuesday voters see it this way, Hillary is toast. 

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