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America's economic situation is (a) an existential crisis, (b) just another business cycle, (c) something else?

Today I'm thinking the fundamental policy difference among us may be our respective judgments about the problem: Is it big problem, a medium sized problem, or a little one?  Depending on how we see that, we may conclude we need dramatic, transformative action, little policy tweaks, or no government response at all.  As I hope prior posts make clear, especially the last one, I think we are much closer to (a) than to (b).  What do you think? 

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Reader Comments (2)

In an email, Sandy says this:

Much closer to (a) but most are in denial and on the surface want it to just be another business cycle. I believe (a) and I believe it provides an opportunity for our country to reevaluate the purpose of Wall Street and to consider how Wall Street should be handled. Ironically though it sent many looking for their copy of Atlas Shrugged and they are reading Hayek and Von Mises as well. It seems like the lesson of the crisis underscores the irrationality of the market and I don't get why they think a libertarian approach is what is needed.

December 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterSkeptic

its all about sex and control of it into a commodity in the USA

america = control, manipulation, forced existential crisis for profit at the cost of those not in the top 0.01%

December 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterramz
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